Since 1986, Abyss Distribution has been one of the largest purchasers of Metaphysical, Witchcraft, and New Age products, providing a wide range of tools and resources to Wiccans, Pagans, and other people interested in spirituality and the occult.
Through our sales and distribution company, AzureGreen, we sell to over 6000 stores and shops across the globe, with a two-hundred page catalog to support our wholesale website and other sales tools. We also have a highly successful drop-shipping program in place, allowing many internet and mail order businesses to carry and sell products under their own business name; which we then ship directly to the customer. Our drop-shipping program saves our customers a lot of the time and effort involved in running an internet-based business by providing all the images, descriptions, shipping skills and extensive inventory needed to fully support the sales that their website brings in.
Doing business with many different craftspeople from all over the United States and Canada as well as a few international suppliers, we currently carry a selection of over seven-thousand items, and are looking to increase our product line by an additional one thousand items in the near future. Many of our new items come to us directly through customer requests, allowing us to focus on getting the best price, highest quality, and a steady availability of each product we select.
If you would like to contact our buyer and see about Abyss Distribution carrying your products, you can do so at, after which he will contact you for more information if we are interested in carrying your products. The product selection process can take some time, in addition to all his many other tasks, so be patient. Adair and the rest of our purchasers will review your product and pricing as soon as possible.
If you would like to send in samples of your products as well, feel free to send any samples, pricing sheets, or any other information to:
Abyss Distribution
c/o Buyer
16 Bell Rd
PO Box 48
Middlefield, MA 01243-0048
Make sure to include a return address and the shipping costs if you would like your samples returned to you.
Phone: 1-413-623-2155 ext 145 Fax: 1-413-623-5151
You can also visit our website
to get a better idea of the product lines we currently carry, or visit our community-based site to see pictures of our new warehouse, offices, and shipping facility.