Our New Home...
Beltane Hill
AzureGreen's New Building
With construction on the first floor now completed, we have moved into our new Beltane Hill facility and already started working on developing many
of the business, community, and spiritual concepts we had envisioned when we began this journey over six years ago. As you can imagine, this has lead
to a lot of curiosity and questions... especially about the thirty-five foot glass pyramid in the front!
Below we have written briefly about all of the exciting aspects of our new facility at Beltane Hill: how it got its name, the magical nature of
pyramids, and what this new building means to us as a business and asset to our community.
Beltane Hill
We chose the name Beltane Hill for our new location in order to invoke the vitality and fresh growth of Spring into our business and our daily
lives. Also, we chose this name to honor the love that the Bell family gave to this land, before entrusting it to our care.
The Pyramid
Built to the exact angle and direction of the Pyramid of Giza, our 35' tall glass-fronted pyramid has been the object of a lot of interest and
attention. Formed into three distinct rooms, this pyramid features an upstairs meditation room and a greenhouse meeting space, as well as an area
specifically built to hold and charge each package we ship out with energy and empowerment before it heads out our door. Pyramids have long been
known to be powerful tools for empowerment, healing, protection, and working with the flow of energy around you.
Business Development
For AzureGreen, this new facility opens the doors to many new kinds of business, allowing us to carry over 4x the inventory, bringing in many
different new lines of product, and being able to work with our suppliers to get the best possible price for our customers. Also, this new building
provides space for us to take on new employees, helping our offices and shipping department respond to your needs even faster. Finally, we hope to
use this new building as a source of strength as we create whole new product lines of our own and help craftspeople from near and far in their
efforts to produce and sell their own quality homemade spiritual products as well.
Community Resource
While a lot of construction still needs to be done, the new AzureGreen facility at Beltane Hill is also intended to serve as a valuable community
asset, providing meeting space for classes, a community kitchen and daycare facility, water filling station for the local fire department, a
swimming hole, and a lot more! Though it will be a year and a half or more before the kitchen and daycare are complete, we have opened our doors
to the surrounding community and already begun hosting social events, bringing in artwork from local artists who want their work shown, and
otherwise working to bring the community together, brighter and stronger than ever before!